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How 60s technology affected the science world and the assumptions for 2062

Francisco Anjo

The 60s were very impactful in human history at a scientific level. Here's a list of things that happened in the 60s:

-Neil Armstrong had his and Humanity's first step on the moon;

-Technology started being used for commercial purposes with the launch of the RAMAC305 - the first electrical computer;

-The first computer mouse was released;

-In 1964, IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) launched the IBM System/360 - a revolutionary concept in computers that creates a "family" of small to large computers;

-The first heart transplant was done in 1967;

-Arpanet - the prototype of the internet - was released in 1967;

-The first video game console was unveiled to the public;

As you can see a lot of progress happened during the 1960s, however, I believe that the society from that decade would not imagine what the future would look like if it wasn't for the cartoon The Jetsons. The animated cartoon, released in 1962, had the purpose to show what life was like in 2062. Flying cars, suspended cities, robots, and the use of gadgets and other technologies were some examples of the cartoon that showed to the 60s society what the future held. Nowadays, it's interesting to think of what we accomplished and what we have left to evolve as an industrial society, however, we still have a few more years till 2062 so, the cartoon could not be wrong at all right? One of the clearest examples I can give you is the fact that in the cartoon one of the main characters goes to the moon on a field trip. Well, nowadays, that is very unlikely but the reality is it would be very impressive if we were able to do that in 2062. We are not capable to know if that could even be possible but there's one thing we are sure of: the 60s were a crucial decade that caused a series of events that allows the development of our technology till this point.

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